Souterrains de Pontoise

Pontoise Undergrounds

The Pontoise undergrounds, an exceptional natural and historical heritage to be discovered north-west of Paris.

  1. What to see and do
  2. Visiting
  3. Monuments
  4. Pontoise Undergrounds


The city of Pontoise, north-west of Paris, experienced a real demographic boom in the Middle Ages. Numerous building sites were created, requiring a large quantity of materials. While the limestone on which the historic heart of the city is built was previously mined in open-cast quarries, it was around the 13th century that mining evolved towards underground extraction "in pits" or "encavage".

The many underground quarries that can still be visited today, some of which converted into vaulted cellars (ogive or semicircular arches), with various decorations and functions, such as the Cave des Moineaux and the Cave du Pont, are a precious testimony to this exploitation and daily life in Pontoise.

A playful and educational visit which will please young and old alike!

Did you know? Camille Pissarro, one of the great masters of Impressionism lived in Pontoise for 15 years. Don't miss the visit of the museum that is dedicated to his work.

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Community facilities

Access and contact

95300 Pontoise

    Days and opening hours

    All year round, every Sunday between 2.30 pm and 4.30 pm. Closed exceptionally on January 1st and December 25th.


    • 8 €
    • Adult: 8 € Child: 6 € Student: 6 €.
      Free entry for children < 7 years.


    Spoken languages

    • French

    Guided tour languages

    • French

    Single mean time tour

    120 mins

    Single services tour

    • Guided individual tours available permanently
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    95300 Pontoise

    • Copyright image:
    • © PackShot / Halle /