Palais du roi de Rome

Palace of the King of Rome

The Palace of the King of Rome is located in the centre of Rambouillet, a town to the west of Paris. It hosts temporary exhibitions throughout the year, and special activities and workshops for children during school holidays.

  1. What to see and do
  2. Visiting
  3. Museums
  4. Palace of the King of Rome


The mansion dates back to 1784, and was intended as a residence for the local governor. It was built in the gardens surrounding the town’s castle, which was the private property of King Louis XVI. A second government building was built in the same place under the French Empire in 1807. In 1812, it was gifted to the King of Rome, the son of Napoleon I and his second wife, Empress Marie-Louise of Austria.

This magnificent neoclassical, French-style mansion was never used under the French Empire, but did serve as living quarters for the governors of Rambouillet during the Bourbon Restoration.

The Palace is now home to the Espace Ville d'Art et d'Histoire, where you’ll find artistic and historic items including a model of the building in its original form, and some of the portraits preserved in community collections.
A range of temporary exhibitions are regularly organised on the first floor.

There’s also the charming little garden round the back to enjoy while you’re here.

Discover the Palace of the King of Rome through one of the treasure hunts in the Paris Region Adventures application specially designed for families and downloadable free of charge.

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Practical info

Access and contact

52-54 Rue du Général de Gaulle
78120 Rambouillet

    Days and opening hours

    All year round, every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday between 2.30 pm and 6 pm.




    • Exhibition space


    • Educational visits
    • Guided tours


    • Temporary exhibition
    • Activity
    • Children's entertainment


    Spoken languages

    • French

    Guided tour languages

    • English
    • Spanish
    • French

    Bulletin board languages

    • French

    Single mean time tour

    30 mins

    Single services tour

    • Unguided individual tours available permanently
    • Guided individual tours on request
    Back to tab informations

    52-54 Rue du Général de Gaulle
    78120 Rambouillet

    • Copyright images:
    • OTMS
    • OTRT
    • Palais du Roi de Rome_Rambouillet